Monday, January 13, 2014

Happy New Year!

Friends, Romans, Countrymen, Citywomen, lend us your ears!

Just wanted to wish you a Happy New Year, now that you're safely into it and we're sure you're not planning on returning it to the store.  (Hey!  Maybe that's what people mean when they say "Many happy returns.")

We've been off for a few weeks now, visiting family, celebrating the yuletide, and whatnot.  But we're about to get back at that ever-enjoyable playing of concerts starting this weekend.

You can find the latest blinking red dots right HERE.

If you see that we're not playing in your area, and want to see about setting something up, give us a call or e-mail us at  (World Wide Phone 419.897-9792)

And in case you're one of those rare people who are using The Facebook, you can go and "like"our Band Page, if you're so inclined.

Looking forward to a fabulous 14, and hope to see you around the water cooler . . . or, you know, at a concert.

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